Wasteland Wiki
WLR Cloning

A clone pod at Sleeper One.

Cloning is a process of producing individuals with identical genetic code. Although commonplace in nature, artificial cloning has only been successfully undertaken in the late 20th century, in the laboratories of Project Darwin and Sleeper One. The Desert Rangers in Wasteland and Wasteland Remastered can make use of abandoned clone pods at the latter to create copies of themselves or party members. A similar process is available in Wasteland 3.

Cloning for Rangers (Wasteland/Remastered)[ | ]

The cloning procedure takes place at the cloning bay on level two of Sleeper One.

The procedure requires that one party member has the Clone Tech skill (available from the ruined library in the southeastern corner of Sleeper One's level one) and as many jugs as there are clones to make (jugs are available aplenty from the storage room in the eastern part of Sleeper One level 2, near the bay itself. Additionally, a power converter has to be installed on the power generator to the northeast of level two.
  1. Head over to the room just south of the armory on level two. Inside is a chemical synthesizer that will be online if the power converter is installed. Interact with it to learn that the monitor indicates a chemical imbalance and blocked outflow system.
  2. Use Clone Tech on the machine to set the chemical levels. A panel will slide down in the side, revealing a nozzle. Use a Jug on the terminal ("manual outflow device") to get some clone fluid. Each clone requires one dose of clone fluid.
  3. Head over to the cloning bay in the corner. Make sure the person to be cloned has the fluid in their inventory, then disband them and enter the clone pod. You get the jug back after clone incubation begins.
  4. Wait 48 hours for the incubation process to complete. Use the panel next to the pod to abort incubation or release the clone. Once released, they can be recruited like any other NPC.

Each clone is a 1:1 copy, down to skill points available and behavior (which means that a cloned Redhawk will be no more useful than the regular one, and you won't be able to issue specific fire mode commands or select targets for Covenant). In summary, you can use this in a few ways:

  • Mass-produce your good character(s) and throw out the ones dragging you down.
  • Clone NPCs you've recruited. NPCs you recruit are completely under your control.
  • Spare bodies. Just in case someone dies.

After you step into the pod, you will retrieve the jug, now empty.

Cloning for Rangers (Wasteland 3)[ | ]

The process requires Don't You Be My Neighbor to be completed and not arrest Irv, rather have him join the Desert Rangers at Peterson Air Force Base, then asking him to make a clone for you. There is only enough material for the clone machine to make a single clone. In addition, Irv requests that, should the clone die, that their pink goo remains be brought back in order for a new clone to be made.

In the Cult of the Holy Detonation expansion, inside Cheyenne Mountain's Research Level, pink goo can be combined with a vial of advanced DNA to create an initial Uber-Clone. The Uber-Clone instead drops purple goo when killed.
