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Homecoming is a quest in Wasteland 3.

Background[ | ]

Jane wants to go back into Cheyenne Mountain to find her three squadmates who she believes are also questioning their conditioning... before they are reduced to stew.

Walkthrough[ | ]

  • At the start of the mission, Jane will suggest to the player that they search for the Deployment Records computer on the first floor of Cheyenne Mountain. It may be able to tell them where her squadmates have been assigned.
  • If the player confronts General-3 and doesn't hand Jane over, the player can loot the General's body for a diskette that contains access codes for his personal console. When the player interacts with his console in the Residential Hub, they unlock level 5, which can be accessed via the Main Elevator. They also learn about a Soldier mutiny from years back, and the fact that the leader of the mutiny was trapped on level 5.
    • Specifically, the quest could have gone like this: According to the deployment records in Cheyenne Mountain, Specialist-78 has been assigned to an Extreme Environmental Testing lab on level 2, Specialist-115 has been assigned to a surgical suite on level 3 for an "examination," and Specialist-23 has been assigned to an interrogation room on level 4.
    • If Specialist-23 was saved: We freed Specialist-23 from an interrogation room on the command level. She said that the General had been asking her if her squad was in contact with any other deconditioned FADERs. This suggests that there may have been other FADERs who shook off their conditioning, and they might be somewhere in the complex.
    • We rescued Specialist-78 from the Extreme Environmental Testing lab. She was in rough shape, but she'll live.
    • When we found Specialist-115, she was being vivisected by some FADER doctors. We put a stop to the procedure and managed to save her life.
  • The quest would end when you killed General 3, you killed the Old Soldier and rescued Jane's friends. The quest would end fully with reading Soldier-3's journal.

Rewards[ | ]

Raw strings[ | ]

Find Jane's three squadmates in Cheyenne Mountain
Confront General-3
Search the command level for other evidence of FADERs who went rogue.
Find the rogue Soldier on level 5.
A Winner is You
Faild quest
Old Soldier Journal
End Game Triggered
Jane wants to go back into Cheyenne Mountain to find her three squadmates who she believes are also questioning their conditioning... before they are reduced to stew.
At the start of the mission, Jane will suggest to the player that they search for the Deployment Records computer on the first floor of Cheyenne Mountain. It may be able to tell them where her squadmates have been assigned.
Talk to General 3
The player can loot the General's body for a diskette that contains access codes for his personal console. When the player interacts with his console in the Residential Hub, they unlock level 5, which can be accessed via the Main Elevator. They also learn about a Soldier mutiny from years back, and the fact that the leader of the mutiny was trapped on level 5.
Search the Old Soldier's belongings for an explanation of what happened to him.
You killed General 3, you killed the Old Soldier and rescued Jane's friends
You didn't save Jane's friends
The player will find the Old Soldier's journal amongst his belongings, which will trigger a pop-up conversation with Jane. This ends the mission.
End Game Triggered
According to the deployment records in Cheyenne Mountain, Specialist-78 has been assigned to an Extreme Environmental Testing lab on level 2, Specialist-115 has been assigned to a surgical suite on level 3 for an \"examination,\" and Specialist-23 has been assigned to an interrogation room on level 4.
We rescued Specialist-78 from the Extreme Environmental Testing lab. She was in rough shape, but she'll live.\nAdded when player talks to Spec-78.
We freed Specialist-23 from an interrogation room on the command level. She said that the General had been asking her if her squad was in contact with any other deconditioned FADERs. This suggests that there may have been other FADERs who shook off their conditioning, and they might be somewhere in the complex.
When we found Specialist-115, she was being vivisected by some FADER doctors. We put a stop to the procedure and managed to save her life.
When we found Specialist-115, she was being vivisected by some FADER doctors. We put a stop to the procedure, but we couldn't save her."